Vision, Mission and Objectives
FEDEN envisons bulding democratic, socially justices, peaceful and prosperous Nepal.

-: Promote democratic norms, values and cultures.
-: Create inclusive & equitable society and protect human rights.
-: Promote social development organizations' dynamism for socio- economic.
-: Building responsive, functional and capable FEDEN.

1. To support and coordinate NGOs for developing them as a transparent, accountable and people-centered.

2. To support, coordinate and facilitate to, disabled, women, children and senior citizens in NGOs and their programs.

3. To advocate and lobbying in national as well as international forums for social, economic, cultural and cardinal human rights promotion.

4. To create widespread public support in democratic practices and support in issues regarding national interests.

5. To capacitate the FEDEN affiliated NGOs to accessing resources and development agencies and work as a focal point for them.

6. To collect and document information regarding capacity and needs of FEDEN affiliated FGOs.

7. T build friendly relationship among organizations with similar goals and principles .

8. To study and research about issues related to development and social services.

9. To promote information and documentation center about NGOs records.